Representation Client
Dear Teresa,
Once again, I have had a day to soak in a milestone event in this divorce action. And once again, I find myself overwhelmingly grateful to have had you to guide me through it. You’ve got style, Teresa – you’re a solid pro and you’ve got character stocked with rare virtue. We were up against an over-emotional and dishonest pair of adversaries, and that’s a lot to combat. Bravo! Now, I can see my way to a new life. My goals from one year ago are intact and finally within reach.
With Genuine Gratitude and Affection,
J. W. – Manhattan
Representation Client
Dear Teresa,
Thanks for your help, you made a difficult situation turn out to be not so bad after all. There should be more people like you.
Thanks again.
P. G. – Bayside
Representation Client
Hello Teresa,
Well, it seems we’ve come to the end of our business agreement, so to speak. I wish to express my deepest gratitude again for all you have done. God knows, I would probably still be in a bind if it were not for your professionalism and graciousness.
F. S. – Jackson Heights
Representation Client
Dear Teresa:
I received the final divorce documents you sent today. Thank you very much for all your hard work. I feel my life has so greatly improved because of having you with me throughout this experience.
C. F. – Jamaica
Representation Client
Dear Teresa,
Thanks so much for everything! You are an awesome professional and very special. I will always recommend you as a lawyer.
M. J. M. – Oceanside
Representation Client
Hey Teresa,
I am not sure if you remember me. I had contacted you sometime in Dec/Jan. with some marital issues. You wrote the most AMAZING letter to my spouse, I was thinking about you over the weekend and wanted to tell you:
There need to be more people like you in this world. You’re not out for personal gain, but to help people and make the best out of a horrible situation. I hope that you and your loved ones are doing well. I wanted to share that things between B. and I are a lot better. I have my days… but we are trying to keep this marriage together for our son L. who needs us. I know you’re busy, I just wanted to share this small message with you, and Thank you from the bottom of my heart. What you did in the big scheme of things seemed so small but helped so much.
I hope to never have to use your services. But I am happy I chose you to help me. It’s the best money I’ve ever spent.
p.s. If you would like to use this letter for your testimonials feel free…
Good Luck with everything. You’re an absolute Gem!
E.G. Astoria
Mediation Client
Dear Teresa,
Now that our ordeal is finally over it’s time to thank you for the professionalism you showed throughout these past few months. Please feel free to tell others our story: After four long years and over $100,000 spent on lawyers who seemed to only put us further and further away from a settlement we decided to try mediation. Luckily, we found you. In just five months you were able to do what we thought was impossible – guiding us to an agreement we could both live with. So thank you, thank you, thank you!
A. C. – Great Neck
Mediation Client
Dear Teresa,
Thank you for helping us get through our situation. I hope you know how happy we both are with the final outcome. I wanted you to know that we are both able to be at our children’s celebrations and events together. (We’ve even gone on vacation together.) We live close to each other, and share a great deal of time with the girls. I told (XX) who is a close friend about you and he will be calling you soon. I know you’ll do a great job for him too. I hope all is well with you.
P. S. – Huntington
Mediation Client
Dear Teresa,
Both of us would like to go on record, and offer to speak to anyone regarding the benefits of your mediation skills. We are able to have conversations that we never have an opportunity to have elsewhere. We couldn’t discuss anything in a way that we heard each other without you. I love how you always check in with each of us to see what we think about everything. In our sessions it seems it doesn’t feel like we’re divorcing. We’re now able to discuss and explore everything together, and this helps immensely.
C. & J. S. – Elmhurst